Meet our Governors
Mrs Rowena White (Chair of Governors):
Hi, I’m Rowena. I have 2 children at Sandal Castle – in Year 4 and Year 2 and I’ve been privileged to serve on the Governing Body, for 3 years. I joined initially as a Parent Governor and was then elected as Chair of Governors.
I am the Commercial Director for a large Produce supplier, so am used to handling complex data, large budgets and strategic planning and decisions -all of which have come in very handy for being a governor!
What has surprised me the most about my governor experience, is the strategic element of the role and how much there has been to learn about policy, legislation etc. We do not get involved in the organisational / day to day running of the school -but provide oversight and governance around the financial planning and curriculum standards of the school, in line with the school development plan.
I find it very fulfilling knowing that the oversight and role we play now, has a long term impact for the school and future experience for Children, as much as it does for those attending now.
Alison Pridmore (Foundation Governor, and Vice Chair of the Governing Board):
I have been a member of the governing board of Sandal Castle since 2019. As a member of a local church, I was appointed as a foundation governor however I am also a parent of one child currently in the school and two other children who have previously been pupils at Sandal Castle. All my children have greatly benefitted from the educational and nurturing environment at Sandal Castle and it is now my privilege to be involved in the governance of the school in order to continue to develop this vision for other current and future students.
I have a background in science obtaining a PhD in microbiology and immunology before working as a research scientist in the same field. For the last few years I have been concentrating my efforts on raising my family and have been involved in many different volunteering activities both within my church and throughout the wider community; with a particular interest in roles supporting families and children.
I strongly believe that all children deserve a rich education and diverse opportunities so that they can develop to their full potential and discover their unique and special place in the world.
Stuart Barbour (Foundation Governor)
I've had children in this school since 2011 and been a governor here since 2014. It's been a privilege to work with other governors and school staff to support the school through many changes in that time. I work at the University of Leeds, so I get to see the education system from two very different perspectives. Any spare time left over is spent with my family.
Louise Adams (___)
Hi, I’m Louise. I applied to become a Local Authority Governor in 2023. I have two children at Sandal Castle Primary so I'm happy to be able to support the school in delivering a high quality of education for all in a positive environment. Having an opportunity to improve standards and gain more knowledge about the policies driving the curriculum were my main reasons for applying for the role. I’m very much enjoying being part of the governing body and looking forwards to getting involved with schools' future initiatives.
Click below to read some of our Governor documents: